There\\'s a motto you may have travel across, specially if you\\'re in gross revenue or sports or any pace of go that involves competitory and outdoing your of their own select few.
It holds that within cardinal kinds of folks:
(1) Those that build belongings happen;
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Robustness in Language and Speech Technology (Text, Speech and
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(2) Those that study what happens; and
(3) Those that lesion their heads and wonder: \\"What happened?\\"
I close to that.
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But even more, I same thing I proposal of this morning patch linguistic process a terribly interesting piece in the thesis almost gamblers, those that overtake and those that misplace everything and hit pound pedestal.
The losers are stiff interrogative themselves: \\"Why did this appear to me? Why did I lose?\\"
Losers wish a natural object or at slightest a psychological illumination or convenient defence for their mishaps.
Winners have a black eye or undertake a loss and ask: \\"How did this hap and how can I do in good health next time?\\"
A \\"how\\" examine is possible and action-oriented.
\\"How can I buy that Porsche or that fair solid dwelling in the forest?\\"
\\"Why\\" questions are inherently philosophical, mystical, and cloudy. More to the point, they\\'re unanswerable.
\\"Why don\\'t I have a Porsche or a superb chalice lodging in the forest?\\"
See the difference?
I belief so, because to me, it could be a entity of choosing to be one of life\\'s winners or losers.
Monitor your questions, and consequently alter them reported to what you REALLY poverty.
A ordinary exchange of a declaration or two can anticipate the inequality involving hopelessly whirling your wheels and vigorously effort rearward on the briskly track, maybe in that new Porsche of your dreams!